【GE Advanced】スマートフォンの次に普及する情報端末は何か。あなたの予想とその根拠を述べなさい。【Spring Term】

What kind of digital personal assistance devices will be popular in the future? Why?
Think about what kind of helpful devices could replace the smartphone as our most useful tools.
What kind of digital personal assistance devices will be popular in the future? Why?
  • obsolete()
  • contemporary()
  • artificial intelligence(人工知能)
  • phase out / phase in()
  • automate()
  • Although smartphones are currently our most important pieces of contemporary tech, they may soon be obsolete.()
  • Many experts predict the growth of wearable technology, such as eyeglasses.()
  • The rise of artificial intelligence and robotics may phase out old smart phones.()
  • All of these future technologies may come together to form a new kind of automated assistant. ()
  • It would be difficult for many people to transtition to new technology as they get older.()


  • YGCコース
  • GE Advanced