
Showing a checked-in guest to their room.
Where is my room?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Where is my room?

May I have your room number?
Well, it's A1507. It is on the 15th floor in Tower A. You can get there from that elevator. Please allow me to show you to your room.


May I have your room number, please?
Well, it's A1507. It is on the 15th floor in Tower A. You can get there from that elevator. Please allow me to show you to your room.

1. This is an alternative expression used when making a polite request.
Oh, okay. Thank you. So, how many floors does the hotel have? It looks pretty tall from the outside. Does it go up to thirty?

We have two towers and they have 30 floors each.They are the highest buildings in this city. We have a sky view lounge on the 30th floor, and the accommodation guests can enjoy a cup of coffee for free there.


We have two towers, and they have 30 floors each. They are the highest buildings in this city. We have a sky view lounge on the 30th floor, and the accommodation guests can enjoy a cup of coffee for free there.

1. Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction (and, but, yet, so, or nor, for) when it joins two complete ideas (independent clauses).

2. Commas, periods, colons, semicolons, exclamation points, and question marks directly follow the word before them — without a space. They are all followed by a single space before the next word.
That sounds great. Is the lounge open 24 hours? I would love to do that later tonight after I have dinner.

Yes, it is open for 24 hours. You can see the splendid night view there. By the way, the elevator has arrived. Please proceed. Please put this card key over this black part when you enter the elevator, then you can go to the floor you're staying.


Yes, it is open for 24 hours. You can see the splendid night view there. By the way, the elevator has arrived. Please proceed. Please put this card key over this black part when you enter the elevator, then you can go to the floor you're staying.

1. Here is an alternative expression, "card reader."
Oh, wait, I'm sorry. I didn't quite get that. You mean, if tap my card key here, it will go straight to my floor? Sorry, I'm not so techie.

Yes, you're right. As for the security reasons, only the floor you're staying can be accessible. Oh, the sky lounge floor is also okay.


Yes, you're right. As for    security reasons, only the floor you're staying on can be accessible. Oh, the sky lounge floor is also okay.

1. Don't use "the" with generic or abstract nouns.

2. There is a missing preposition
I see, so I can only access the 15th floor and the lounge. Got it. Thank you very much. You've been very helpful.

Not at all. Is there anything I can do for you?


Not at all. Is there anything else I can do for you? 

1. This is an alternative expression.
  • let (〜させる)
  • way(道、通り道 )
  • put(置く)
  • anything else(他に何か)
  • enjoy(楽しむ)
  • Allow me to show you to your room.(お部屋までご案内いたします。)
  • The elevator is right this way.(エレベーターはこちらでございます。)
  • Where shall I put your bags?(お荷物はどちらに置かれますか?)
  • Is there anything I can do for you?(ほかに何か御用はございませんか?)
  • Enjoy your stay.(ごゆっくりお過ごしくださいませ。)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • ホテル業界
  • ドアスタッフ・ベルスタッフ業務