【GE Advanced】生徒の学習到達度を測る方法として、筆記試験とレポートのどちらが優れているか。【Spring Term】

Which is better to measure a student's academic achievement: written exams or essays?
Think about the topic and create an argument.
Which is better to measure a student's academic achievement: written exams or essays?
  • facet()
  • egalitarian()
  • encyclopedic()
  • rote()
  • articulation()
  • An efficient test will cover many facets of a student's education.()
  • Testing students with a written exam is a more egalitarian approach.()
  • A written exam tests a student's encyclopedic knowledge and their rote memorization skills.()
  • Through an essay, articulation and the ability to make a cogent argument are focused.()
  • When applying to colleges, submission of essays is one of the most vital process.()


  • YGCコース
  • GE Advanced