【GE Advanced】日本のハロウィンやバレンタインが、元の国で行われているものとは別物になっている。あなたはこれに賛成か、反対か。【Spring Term】

In Japan, Halloween and Valentine's Day are celebrated very differently compared to their original forms. How do you feel about this?
Think about the ways that these celebrations differ between countries. Should Japan change is methods?
In Japan, Halloween and Valentine's Day are celebrated very differently compared to their original forms. How do you feel about this?
  • authentic()
  • archetype()
  • rooted in()
  • folklore()
  • commercialized(商品化する)
  • Although many western holidays have spread to Japan, they do not always remain authentic.()
  • Halloween has traditions and archetypes rooted in common folklore.()
  • The custom of trick-or-treat has yet to take hold in Japan.()
  • In all countries, these holidays can be commercialized heavily, but have different target demographics.()
  • I have troubles understanding why Christmas is celebrated with friends rather than with families in Japan.()


  • YGCコース
  • GE Advanced