
Showing visitors around the hospital.
Could you show us around the hospital?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Could you show us around the hospital?

Today, I'll show you the outpatient building. In the first basement, there are MRIs and scintigraphy. Obstetrics and gynecology, and orthopedic surgery are on the ground floor, as well as the administration office. The anesthesiology and pain relief centers, as well as pediatrics and pediatric surgery, are on the second floor. Surgery, cardiac and thoracic surgery, neurosurgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, otralyncology and head and neck surgery, opthalamology are on the third floor. Dermatology, urology, neuropsychiatry, oral-maxillofacial, and orthotics are on the fourth floor.


Today, I'll show you the outpatient building. In the first basement, there are  MRI machines and scintigraphy. Obstetrics and gynecology, and orthopedic surgery are on the ground floor, as well as the administration office. The anesthesiology and pain relief centers, as well as pediatrics and pediatric surgery, are on the second floor. Surgery, cardiac and thoracic surgery, neurosurgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery,  otolaryngology and head and neck surgery,  ophthalmology are on the third floor. Dermatology, urology, neuropsychiatry, oral-maxillofacial, and orthotics are on the fourth floor.

1. Use a plural noun "MRI machines" to refer to more than one device, not the plural form "MRIs," which refers to more than one scan or image.
2 and 3. Correct spelling.
Thank you for the detailed overview of the hospital layout! It seems like a comprehensive setup. As we explore the different departments and floors, are there any specific areas or services within the hospital that you find particularly interesting or important in providing quality healthcare to patients?

Patients often have to wait long to see the doctor after checking in. They receive a pager that announces to them shortly before seeing the doctor, so they can wait to relax. Also, several restaurants, an ATM, and a coffee shop are in the outpatient building.


Patients often have to wait long to see the doctor after checking in. They receive a pager that notifies them shortly before seeing the doctor, so they can relax while they wait. Also, several restaurants, an ATM, and a coffee shop are located in the outpatient building.

1. Use the verb "notifies" to indicate the action or process of something (a pager), instead of "announces," which is used to show the declaration or proclamation.
2. Use a verb phrase "relax while they wait" to express the manner and condition of something.
3. Use the verb "located" to describe the position or place of something (several restaurants, an ATM, and a coffee shop).
It's interesting to hear about the patient experience with the pager system and the amenities available. In terms of patient comfort and convenience, do you think these additional facilities contribute significantly to the overall experience?

Yes, those facilities increase customer experience. The waiting time is long, and the medical tests make patients fatigued. Some tests even require them fasting at night before the appointment day. Large hospitals often introduce the pager system, which protects patients' privacy and smooth operation. Some patients have similar surnames and hearing loss.


Yes, those facilities enhance customer experience. The waiting time is long, and the medical tests make patients fatigued. Some tests even require them fasting at night before the appointment day. Large hospitals often introduce the pager system, which protects patients' privacy and ensures a smooth operation. Some patients have similar surnames and hearing loss.

1. You can also use the verb "enhance" to express the improvement or increase of something (customer experience).
2. The verb "ensure" means to make certain or guarantee something. By adding "ensure" before "a smooth operation", the sentence implies that the pager system helps to prevent or avoid any problems or delays that might affect the hospital's workflow or efficiency.
3. Use a noun phrase "a smooth operation" to denote the quality or characteristic of something, rather than a noun ("smooth operation"), which typically refers to the action or process of something.
  • facility(設備)
  • the latest equipment(最新機器)
  • information board(案内板)
  • floor map(フロアマップ)
  • organized(整理された)
  • I'll show you our main facility and where each department is located.(主要な設備と各診療科の場所をお見せしましょう。)
  • Our surgical suite uses the latest equipment in patient care.(当院の手術室では、患者さんの治療のために最新の機器を使用しています。)
  • The information board by the entrance has all our clinic schedules.(入り口にあるボードには、すべての診療スケジュールが掲載されています。)
  • Each level has its own floor map, so you can easily find your way around.(各階にはそれぞれフロアマップがあるので、簡単に場所を見つけることができます。)
  • Each floor of the hospital is dedicated to different types of specialized care. (当病院は専門分野別に構成されており、各フロアはそれぞれに特化したケアを行っています。)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 病院/医療業界
  • 病院