
Explaining club activities to international students.
What kind of club activities are available?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What kind of club activities are available?

This school has 28 types of athletic clubs, 64 types of cultural clubs, 48 types of athletic circles, and 405 types of cultural circles. The reason there are so many culture-related students is that athletic clubs and circles require relatively long commitments, making them unsuitable for enjoying hobbies, advanced study, or part-time jobs.
The participation rate of students in these organizations is about 55%. About 14% participate in athletic clubs and circles, and about 45% in cultural clubs and circles. Many students participate in multiple organizations, so some students join both athletic and cultural organizations.


This school has 28 types of athletic clubs, 64 types of cultural clubs, 48 types of athletic circles, and 405 types of cultural circles. The reason there are so many culture-related students is that athletic clubs and circles require relatively long commitments, making them unsuitable for enjoying hobbies, advanced study, or part-time jobs.
The participation rate of students in these organizations is about 55%. About 14% participate in athletic clubs and circles, and about 45% in cultural clubs and circles. Many students participate in multiple organizations, so some students join both athletic and cultural organizations.

1. Here is an alternative expression you can use. ''Many students join both athletic and cultural organizations due to their involvement in multiple groups''
That's a long and comprehensive list of clubs and activities. Can you tell me more about your role in the school?

I don't really belong to any club activities or circles. This is because I am very busy studying medicine. However, there are various other faculties, and many people belong to clubs and circles to varying degrees. Among them, there are club activities that are strong enough to win national competitions.
In some circles, it is customary to drink alcohol every night until the morning. As a result, it is not uncommon for students to not be able to keep up with their studies and end up repeating a grade or dropping out of school.


I don't really belong to any club activities or circles. This is because I'm very busy studying medicine. However, there are various other faculties, and many people belong to clubs and circles to varying degrees. Among them, there are club activities that are strong enough to win national competitions.
In some circles, it's customary to drink alcohol every night until the morning. As a result, it's not uncommon for students to not be able to keep up with their studies and end up repeating a grade or dropping out of school.

1, 2, 3. Try to use contractions to make your sentences more idiomatic.
Oh, dear! That does not sound very good. Why should drinking be considered so important? Don't you think that kind of a thing should be done away with it?

That is Japanese university culture. Waseda University in particular is known for its active drinking parties held in circles. Like Waseda University, this university also has a culture of drinking until the morning. This is a traditional culture that has continued since the Showa era. At one time, because of this, this university was effectively an all-boys school. Nowadays, 30% of all students are women, and although this culture has become somewhat obsolete, it cannot be said that it has completely disappeared.


That's Japanese university culture. Waseda University, in particular, is known for its active drinking parties held in circles. Like Waseda University, this university also has a culture of drinking until the morning. This is a traditional culture that has continued since the Showa era. At one time, because of this, this university was effectively an all-boys school. Nowadays, 30% of all students are women, and although this culture has become somewhat obsolete, it cannot be said that it has completely disappeared.

1. Try to use contractions to make your sentences more idiomatic.
2, 3. It appears that a comma was missing here.
  • sports club(運動部)
  • culture club(文化部)
  • brass band club(吹奏楽)
  • track-and-field team(陸上部)
  • belong to〜(〜に所属する)
  • practice(練習)
  • advisor / supervisor (顧問)
  • training camp(合宿)
  • popular(人気の)
  • uniform(ユニフォーム)
  • We have club activities so that students can pursue their interests.(生徒が自分の興味を追求できるようなクラブ活動があります。)
  • Club activities are a chance to have fun and spend time with friends.(部活動は友達と一緒に楽しく時間を過ごすチャンスです。)
  • Club activities provide an opportunity to develop skills such as leadership and teamwork.(部活動はリーダーシップやチームワークなどのスキルを身につける機会になります。)
  • The most popular club at our school is the soccer club.(私たちの学校で一番人気なのはサッカー部です。)
  • Most athletic teams hold training camps in the summer.(大抵の運動部は夏に合宿を行います。)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • シーンリクエスト
  • 大学・短大・専門学校