
Putting a caller on hold
電話対応では、Could you please tell me your name and your phone number? (お名前とお電話番号を伺ってもよろしいでしょうか?) としっかりと相手の名前と電話番号を聞きましょう。聞き取れない場合は、I beg your pardon(すいません、もう一度言って頂けますか?)Could you please speak a little slower? (もう少しゆっくり話していただけますか?) Could you repeat that for me?(もう一度お願いします。)等と言って落ち着いて対処してみましょう。
Hello. This is Jason Thomson. May I speak to Mr. Yamazaki of the sales department?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Hello. This is Jason Thomson. May I speak to Mr. Yamazaki of the sales department?

Hi Mr. Thomson, thank you for calling. I'm afraid that he doesn't seem to be at his desk now. May I take a message for him? I will tell him you called.


Hi Mr. Thomson, thank you for calling. I'm afraid that he isn't at his desk now. May I take a message for him? I'll tell him you called.

1. Simpler phrasing.
2. Here is an alternative expression, would you like to leave him a message?
Sure, I'll be happy to pass on a message to Mr. Yamazaki. Can you please let me know the purpose of your call or any specific information you'd like to convey? That way, I can ensure that your message reaches him accurately. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

I don't have anything to convey. I guess you have something to pass on to Mr.Yamazaki, right?


I don't have anything to convey. Since you're the one that called, I guess you have something to pass on to Mr.Yamazaki, right?

1. Add this to make your sentence clearer.
I apologize for any confusion. We were supposed to have a meeting with him today but hasn't responded to the email we sent him. Could you please let him know that he should get back to us as soon as possible?

Okay I will tell him to call you back. If you have some urgent matter, please send a message by online chat to him.


Okay, I'll tell him to call you back. If it's urgent, please send him a message online.

1. Better phrasing.
2. Sounds less repetitive.
Sure, I'll pass along the message to him and let him know that you called. If you have any urgent matters, feel free to send him a message through online chat, and he'll get back to you as soon as possible. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

Who is him? I got a message from you. Thank you.


Yes, I'll be sure to tell him. 

1. This is a better way to phrase it.
I'm very sorry for the confusion. Thank you very much for forwarding the call to him, and I will make sure to message him soon. You've been of great help, I appreciate your assistance!

No problem. Thank you for calling. Have a good day!


No problem. Thank you for calling. Have a good day!

1. Here is an alternative expression, my pleasure.
  • urgent matter(緊急事項)
  • I'm not sure(さてどうでしょう、良く分かりません)
  • Certainly(確かに)
  • approximately( two hours)(およそ(2時間))
  • Hold on, please(そのままでいてください(電話を切らずにお待ち下さい))
  • Could you please hold (the line)?(そのまま電話を切らずにお待ちいただけますか。)
  • I'll put you through (him) right away.(すぐに(彼に)おつなぎします。)
  • May I take a message for him? (May I take your message?)(伝言を承りましょうか?)
  • May I ask your number, please?(あなたの番号をお尋ねしてもよろしいですか?)
  • He doesn't seem to be at his desk now.(今、彼はデスクにいないようです。)
  • I'll tell him to call you back as soon as possible.(できるだけ早くあなたに後で電話するようにと彼に伝えます。)
  • In case he doesn't come back by 4 pm, could you make sure to feed the dog?(万が一16時になっても彼が帰ってこなかったら、犬の餌やりをしておいてもらえますか?)
  • He is out to lunch now.(彼は今、ランチに出かけています。)
  • I'll tell him you called.(彼にあなたからご連絡があったとお伝え致します)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 内定者研修
  • 新入社員研修
  • 電話応対
  • 要件を伝える