
Dealing with a spam phone call
Hello. Are you interested in buying a new apartment?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Hello. Are you interested in buying a new apartment?

Whom do you call? Could you give me a name? I will connect you. If you don't have the name, you waste our limited and valuable time. Do you understand? Once again I repeat, please give me the name.


Whom do you call? Could you give me your name? I will connect you. If you don't give me your name, you are wasting our limited and valuable time. Do you understand? Once again I repeat, please give me your name.

1, 3, 5. This refers to the name of the other person, not ANY name.
2. Everyone has a name, but you want them to GIVE it to you.
4. We use the present simple tense for something that is generally true or permanent, habits and facts. We use the present continuous for something that is happening now or around the time of speaking, or that is temporary.
I'm sorry? What did you say? I am also a worker here trying to make a living.. Your remarks are kind of rude. Anyway, thank you for taking my call. I will call again later.

I don't know your name, you don't know my name either, and on top of that, I am not interested in your proposal. Don't call this mobile number again. If not, I will fight to the better end. Do you want to keep talking with me? From now on, I will start to record our conversation.


I don't know your name, you don't know my name either, and on top of that, I am not interested in your proposal. Don't call this mobile number again or I will fight to the bitter end. Do you want to keep talking with me? From now on, I will start to record our conversation.

1. IF NOT is used to explain what will happen when a particular action isn't taken. You need OR here to explain your alternative action.
2. Spelling mistake.
Why are you being so rude? Why don't you ask me questions nicely before you shout at me? What if I am your potential client?

That's because this topic is "Dealing with a spam phone call" . Sorry, what do you mean that "your potential client" in this context? Besides, why are you sure I shout at you? Anyway, at first, could you tell me your name and your company's name? And, whom do you call?


That's because this topic is "Dealing with a spam phone call". Sorry, what do you mean by "your potential client" in this context? Besides, why are you sure I was shouting at you? Anyway, at first, could you tell me your name and your company's name? And, whom do you call?

1. No space before the period.
2. We mean things BY expressions.
3. Past progressive required to explain this action in the past.
You are doing well. We are role-playing and I am only responding to you in regards to the topic. There can be so many misunderstandings during phone calls and our role play is highlighting the fact well. Do you understand? Shall we proceed?

Noted, let's proceed.

Whom do you want to call? If you don't have the name, I judge your call is the nuisance call. We don't need this kind of calls. Thank you very much for your understanding.


Noted. Let's proceed.

Whom do you want to call? If you don't give me a name, I judge your call is a nuisance call. We don't need these kind of calls. Thank you very much for your understanding.

1. A new sentence is needed here for this separate point.
2. We GIVE someone a name.
3. The first time we talk about something we say ‘a’. Then we use 'the' because the other person knows what we are talking about. E.g. “I had a sandwich and a banana for lunch. The sandwich wasn’t very nice but the banana was delicious.”
4. THESE required with the plural noun.
I am calling to market one of our apartments. Are you interested in buying one of them? I could send a detailed email. I do not have a specific person I want to talk to.

I'm sorry but I'm completely not interested. I'm just curious why you know my phone number. Which vendor did you make a back-door deal with to purchase that customer list?


I'm sorry but I'm completely not interested. I'm just curious how you know my phone number. Which vendor did you make a back-door deal with to purchase that customer list?

1. HOW is better here to refer to a METHOD.
  • illegal((名)不法入国者、(形)違法の)
  • intrusion(嵌入、侵入)
  • uninvited(招かれない、呼んでいない)
  • ineffective(無効な)
  • refrain((動)控える、(名)反復句)
  • disruption(途絶、混乱)
  • tactic(方策)
  • creative(創造性に富んだ)
  • lucrative(利益の上がる)
  • strategy(ストラテジー、策略)
  • Spam calls can be very intrusive at times.(迷惑電話はたまに煩わしい。)
  • Are spam calls effective?(スパムコールは効果的ですか?)
  • Some companies claim that spam calls are very lucrative.(宣伝電話は効果的だと主張している企業もある。)
  • This may not be the best sales strategy or tactic.(これは最善の戦略でも方策でもないかもしれません。)
  • Some spam calls may have unintended consequences.(いくつかの迷惑電話は意図的ではないものかもしれません。)
  • Some charities are just a front for illegal activity.(違法行為の隠れ蓑にすぎないチャリティーもあります。)
  • I turn off my phone at night because I don't want any uninvited calls.(押しかけの電話がかかってくると困るので、夜は携帯電話の電源を切っています。)
  • There are some very creative ways to deal with unwelcome spam calls.(歓迎されないスパム電話に対処するために、非常にクリエイティブな方法があります。)
  • This is nothing but an unsolicited intrusion into our private lives.(これは、私たちのプライベートな生活に無断で侵入することに他なりません。)
  • This crisis has been a disruption of a daily routine for everyone.(この危機は、誰もが日常生活に支障をきたしています。)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 内定者研修
  • 新入社員研修
  • 電話応対
  • 要件を伝える