
Explaining numerical formula
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This proposal will open the door to more opportunities in the near future. Please see this graph. The numbers dramatically decreased in 2020. First of all, what do you think this number shows ?


This proposal will open the door to more opportunities in the near future. Please see this graph. The numbers dramatically decreased back in 2020. First of all, what do you think this number indicates?

1. Consider adding this adverb to express how you are referring to a period in the past.
2. This is simply an alternative.
It shows how the business was affected by various factors such as the pandemic. What are your thoughts? Please continue.

In conclusion, this pandemic change poses a real threat to humanity. Time is of the essence since other companies are also making their move. On the other hand, not everyone agreed. I'm happy to pass you to have a presentation for our measure to deal with this pandemic. Tom, please share explain our strategy and tactic plan with specific figure.


In conclusion, the changes brought by this pandemic pose a real threat to humanity. Time is of the essence since other companies are also making their move. On the other hand, not everyone agrees with this. I'll be glad to take the lead and provide the necessary measures in dealing with this pandemic during this presentation. Tom, please share and explain our strategy    with a specific figure.

1. Consider rephrasing your expression this way to add sentence clarity and correct word usage.
2. What you wrote is vague. We've reworded it this way to express that not everyone agrees with your notion.
3. What you wrote is vague and convoluted. We've reworded it this way to express a clearer idea.
4. Use this conjunction to express a compound verb.
5. This is a bit redundant and is, therefore, omitted.
6. Consider using the indefinite article when talking about something singular, not specific, or both.
7. What do you mean by this? Consider elaborating what you mean to express a clearer idea.
Okay, sure. We have decided to stop investing in products that are not profitable for our business. That accounts for 30% of our business. We will also focus more on online business ventures. That could cause a 50% increase in sales. What's your opinion on these points?

Thank you for your explanation. President, what do you think about it?


Thank you for your explanation. What are your thoughts, Mr. President?

1. Well done. This is simply an alternative to what you wrote.
I think this is a good strategy. However, we also need to invest in new products. That will attract more customers. We also need to introduce various cost-cutting measures. Do you have any suggestions?

No. I'm afraid president, but this is your job to think about it.


No. I'm afraid I don't Mr. President, but it is your job to think about it.

1. You need to express how you don't have any further suggestions to complete your idea.
2. This is a more formal expression.
3. We used this pronoun instead to express how it is the president's job to think about it.

Keep up the good work!
  • potential(ポテンシャル、潜在力、将来性)
  • statistics(統計データ)
  • testimonial(証拠、証拠となる)
  • show(示す)
  • increase(増加する)
  • This proposal will open the door to more opportunities in the near future.(この提案は近い将来、より多くの機会への扉を開きます。)
  • Time is of the essence since other companies are also making their move.(他の企業も動いているので、時期が勝負です。)
  • The numbers dramatically decreased in 2005.(数値は2005年に急激に落ち込みました。)
  • On the other hand, not everyone agreed.(一方で、すべての人が賛成したわけではありません。)
  • In conclusion, climate change poses a real threat to humanity.(結論として、気候変動は人類にとって真の脅威となります。)


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  • 中級
  • プレゼンテーション
  • Job