
Talking about cooking
I live alone so it's a pain to cook just for one person. How about you?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
I live alone so it's a pain to cook just for one person. How about you?

I live with my husband, 14-year-old son, 11-year-old daughter, and 8-year-old son. Also, I love cooking. I find chopping cabbage and slicing carrots makes me mindful.


I live with my husband, 14-year-old son, 11-year-old daughter, and 8-year-old son. Also, I love cooking. I find chopping cabbage and slicing carrots makes me mindful.

1. Great job. 'Helps me stay mindful and present.' is another possibility.
Oh, I see. I am delighted to know that you enjoy cooking! What is your favorite food to cook for your family these days?

I am a mother and have a full-time job. Therefore, I don't have enough time to prepare meals. I always try to make dinner with time-reduction recipes. For example, I always use a recipe where I can cook three dishes at once in a rice cooker. I cut some vegetables, and meat, and put some ingredients like soy sauce, honey, and konbu seaweed. Those ingredients make dishes delicious. The recipes are very practical.


I am a mother and have a full-time job. Therefore, I don't have enough time to prepare meals. I always try to make dinner with time-reduction recipes. For example, I always use a recipe where I can cook three dishes at once in a rice cooker. I cut some vegetables, and meat, and put some ingredients like soy sauce, honey, and konbu seaweed. Those ingredients make dishes delicious. The recipes are very practical.

1. Great job. 'Endeavor' is another possibility.
I can say that we are on the same page. That sounds like a great strategy! How long does it usually take you to cook those meals?

I usually cook those meals for 30 to 40 minutes. Recipes for coleslaw, new potatoes simmered in bonito flakes, chicken wings simmered in sweet and spicy sauce, chicken breast with sauce-flavored ham, and cucumber with salted kelp are popular with the family.


I usually cook those meals for 30 to 40 minutes. Recipes for coleslaw, new potatoes simmered in bonito flakes, chicken wings simmered in sweet and spicy sauce, chicken breast with sauce-flavored ham, and cucumber with salted kelp are popular with the family.

1. Great job. 'Normally' is another possibility.
  • never fail to do~(必ず~する)
  • recipe(レシピ)
  • lunch box(弁当)
  • miss(~を逃す)
  • boiled egg(ゆでたまご)
  • a corner-cutting cooking(手抜き料理)
  • knife(ナイフ,包丁)
  • I cook everyday, especially breakfast.(私は毎日料理します。特に朝ごはんは必ず作っています。)
  • I don't cook because I don't like to, plus I don't have any time for it.(料理はしません。そもそも料理するのは好きではないし,時間もないので。)
  • I am good at cooking chicken curry.(私の得意料理はチキンカレーです。)
  • I'm good at preparing lunch.(私はお弁当の準備が得意です。)
  • I missed lunch because I had an important task to do.(急な仕事のせいで昼ごはんを食べ損ねました。)
  • For breakfast, I often make miso soup and boiled eggs.(朝ごはんには味噌汁とゆでたまごをよく作ります。)
  • I use a special knife to cut fish.(私は魚の調理用に特別な包丁を持っています。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 自己紹介
  • 習慣