
Attending an academic conference
Hi, thank you for attending this academic conference.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Hi, thank you for attending this academic conference.

Well, May I ask you a question? I have arrived here just now, but I found I had missed the lecture held this morning, which I wanted to attend. I think all lectures seem to be recorded, but can I view the lecture again on your website or something?


Well, may I ask you a question? I have arrived here just now, but I found I had missed the lecture held this morning, which I wanted to attend. I think all lectures seem to be recorded, but can I view the lecture again on your website or something?

1. this word was not used to begin the sentence, so don't capitalize its first letter
Yes, all lectures are recorded and uploaded on the website, but I will upload today's lecture tomorrow morning. Can you access the website?

Yes, Good news! I can see the website. Do I need a passcode to watch them? Can I watch them on this conference website?


Yes, good news! I can see the website. Do I need a passcode to watch them? Can I watch them on this conference website?

1. this word was not used to begin the sentence, so don't capitalize its first letter
If you can access the website you can watch them with no additional passwords. Are you going to attend the next lecture?

Yes, I am going to attend special lecture 2 at hall 1, but I am also curious about attending workshop 8 at hall 3, which will be held at the same time of the special lecture. Therefore, I am happy to hear that I will be able to watch all programs afterwards. I could miss some programs.


Yes, I am going to attend special lecture 2 at hall 1, but I am also thinking about attending workshop 8 at hall 3, which will be held at the same time as the special lecture. Therefore, I am happy to hear that I will be able to watch all programs afterwards. I might miss some programs.

1. you can be curious about topics and things, but "think about" decisions
2. use this to indicate equivalence
3. use "might" when expressing something that has a possibility of happening
That is exactly why we record them. So we can go back to it from the future. As well as to allow participants to view conferences they missed. Do you always attend conferences?

Yes, I like attending conference. I have been a member of this conference, so I attend it every year. I learn a lot here and enjoy myself very much. I haven't known the recording service so far, but is it a new service starting this year?


Yes, I like attending conferences. I have been a member of this conference for a while, so I attend it every year. I learn a lot here and enjoy myself very much. I haven't known the recording service so far, but is it a new service starting this year?

1. use plural nouns for general preferences; if you are talking about that specific conference, use "this conference"
2. when using perfect tenses, unless the time expression is already implied, you should specify the time expression
No, we have recorded all talks from our very first conference way back in 2010. Our videos can be viewed for free in our Youtube Channel. Have you subscribed in our channel yet?

Oh, I didn’t know that. I haven’t subscribed in it yet, so I will do that immediately. By the way, have you announced it frequently? I didn’t notice it at all, even though I came here a lot. I think the service is so beneficial, so please let all participants know about it.


Oh, I didn’t know that. I haven’t subscribed to it yet, so I will do that immediately. By the way, have you announced it frequently? I didn’t notice it at all, even though I come here a lot. I think the service is so beneficial, so please let all participants know about it.

1. correct preposition when expressing subscriptions
2. use the present tense for regular actions
  • professor(教授)
  • Ph.D.(博士号)
  • media (メディア)
  • dissertation(論文)
  • case study(事例研究)
  • I'm sorry, but the event is invitation only.(申し訳ありませんが、イベントは招待制です。)
  • What a great speech!(素晴らしいスピーチですね!)
  • It was a rare chance to dine with such interesting people.(こんなに面白い人たちと食事をする機会は滅多にありませんでした。)
  • They're hosting a workshop on team building.(チームビルディングのワークショップを開催するそうです。)
  • A leading study published recently has caught the attention of many experts in the field.(先日発表された先行研究は、多くの専門家が注目しています。)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • その他
  • シーンリクエスト