
Talking about reading
You finally finished it? How was it?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
You finally finished it? How was it?

I completed reading "Fed Up: An Insider's Take on Why the Federal Reserve is Bad for America." To put it precisely, I skimmed through the book because it's boring and has so many unnecessary stories. Her introduction parts in each chapter didn't attract me. On the other hand, some writers I regard as adversaries give a hook to me to interest. She should have written about it in her private diary or on social media. The reason why I didn't stop reading is that there are some exciting stories. The writer criticizes the Federal Reserve system and its decisions.


I completed reading “Fed Up: An Insider’s Take on Why the Federal Reserve is Bad for America.” To put it precisely, I skimmed through the book because it was boring and had so many unnecessary stories. The introductory parts in each chapter didn’t attract me. On the other hand, some writers whom I regard as adversaries provide interesting hooks. She should have written about it in her private diary or on social media. The reason why I didn’t stop reading is that there were some exciting stories. The writer criticizes the Federal Reserve system and its decisions.

1, 2. Since you’re talking about your past experience of reading the book, it’s more appropriate to use the past tense.
3. The phrase “introductory parts” is more commonly used to refer to the beginning sections of a book.
4. This way, the sentence sounds much more natural and understandable.
5. The phrase “provide interesting hooks” is a more natural way to express the idea that these writers use interesting elements to capture your attention.
6. Again, since you’re talking about your past experience, it’s more appropriate to use the past tense.
That sounds like quite the read. Despite the negatives, it's interesting that you found some parts appealing. Were there any specific critiques of the Federal Reserve system that you found particularly insightful?

Her critiques are already well-known to the public and target Quantitative easing and deeply depressed interest rates. Some episodes about how much Janet Yellen disliked Milton Friedman were interesting.


Her critiques are already well-known to the public and target quantitative easing and deeply depressed interest rates. Some episodes about how much Janet Yellen disliked Milton Friedman were interesting.

1. While “Quantitative Easing” is a specific policy, when used in a general sense as it is here, it does not need to be capitalized.
Interestingly, the book discussed critics of quantitative easing and interest rates, as well as Janet Yellen's views on Milton Friedman. Did it give you any new insights into these topics?

It gave me new knowledge, but I needed more insights. However, I learned new vocabulary and want to improve my writing. I read three books by Friedman before. Those are too difficult to understand, and I often sleep while opening my eyes. I'll read them again.


It gave me new knowledge, but I needed more insights. However, I learned new vocabulary, and I want to improve my writing skills. I have read three books by Friedman before. They were too difficult to understand, and I often fell asleep with my eyes open. I’ll read them again.

1. A compound sentence includes two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so). In a compound sentence, the conjunction is, in most cases, preceded by a comma. However, if both independent clauses are very short, it’s acceptable to omit the comma.
2. The word “skills” is added to make it clear what you want to improve
3. The present perfect tense “have read” is used because the action has a connection with the present (you’re talking about something you did in the past and you might do it again).
4. This way, the sentence sounds much more natural and understandable. This way, the sentence sounds much more natural and understandable.
5. The phrase “fell asleep with my eyes open” is a more natural way to express this idea in English.
  • monotonous(単調である)
  • highlight(~を強調する)
  • describe(~を表現する,表す)
  • depict(~を描写する)
  • contents(内容)
  • a [long/short] story(長編/短編もの)
  • a plot(すじがき,あらすじ)
  • an author(著者)
  • The novel I read was boring because the story was uninteresting.(読んだ小説はつまんなかったのよ。ストーリーが単調でね。)
  • He is one of the most famous and honored writers in Japan.(彼は日本で最も有名で名誉ある作家の一人です。)
  • I was inspired by this novel.(私はこの小説に感銘をうけました。)
  • It took a lot of time for me to finish reading this book.(この本を読み終えるのにかなり時間がかかりました。)
  • I especially like this part. (私は特にこの部分が気に入っています。)
  • I think the author should have focused on the main character a bit more.(作者はもう少し主人公に焦点を当てるべきだったと思います。)


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