
Talking about your weekend
What did you do last weekend?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What did you do last weekend?

I went to a dog cafe with my husband. The dog cafe has around 10 Mameshiba dogs. Customers can stay there for up to 30 minutes, and the cafe limits how many people can enter at a time and a day. Customers need to buy tickets that day in advance, but the tickets are sold on that day. A cafe service person was arrogant, and the woman warned us as if she trained dogs. I replied, "Bowwow."


I went to a dog cafe with my husband. The dog cafe has around 10 Mameshiba dogs. Customers can stay there for up to 30 minutes, and the cafe limits how many people can enter at a time and a day. Customers need to buy tickets that day in advance, but the tickets are sold on that day. A cafe service person was arrogant, and the woman warned us as if she trained dogs. I replied, "Bowwow."

Excellent work, these are just alternatives;
1. ''visited''
2. ''roughly''
3. ''individuals''
4. ''purchase''
Bowwow! I love your response! I would like to know how the cafe service person responded to you at that time. How arrogant was she?

The cafe has a standing signboard that says, "Don't stand in line before the cafe opens, not to disturb neighbor shops." We killed time at a Seven-Eleven store right across there, and we started to stand in front of the cafe a few minutes ago. She slapped the standing signboard onto the ground before us without saying anything. We should have been punctual. Still, the disciplined service woman should have said at least, "Excuse me." We can understand the words. Anyway, my husband has been smiling from ear to ear since he saw dogs.


The cafe has a standing signboard that says, "Don't stand in line before the cafe opens, not to disturb neighbor shops." We killed time at a Seven-Eleven store right across there, and we went to stand in front of the cafe a few minutes before opening time. She slapped the standing signboard onto the ground before us without saying anything. We should have been punctual. Still, the disciplined service woman should have said at least, "Excuse me." We can understand the words. Anyway, my husband has been smiling from ear to ear since he saw dogs.

1. Change your word structure to clarify when exactly you went to stand by the cafe.
Oh, I would also feel enraged if I were in your situation. She might not be in a good mood on that day. Was that the first time you went there? I am glad that your husband had a good time with the dogs. What about you? What's the best part of your time there?

That was our first visit there. Those dogs were cute but much more active than I expected, and they scared me sometimes by barking and running around. I liked one dog there who was isolated and calm like a cat. He liked still sitting in the corner of the room. I'm a person like a cat, so energetic animals, including human beings, frighten me. The best part is that my husband was delighted. He hardly always expresses his feelings, so he seemed bebored there. His smile in pictures, as I have never seen, tells me he enjoyed the time.


That was our first visit there. Those dogs were cute but much more active than I expected, and they scared me sometimes by barking and running around. I liked one dog there that was isolated and calm like a cat. He liked still sitting in the corner of the room. I'm as calm as a cat, so energetic animals, including human beings, frighten me. The best part is that my husband was delighted. He hardly always expresses his feelings, so he seemed bored there. However, his smile in pictures, one I have never seen, tells me he enjoyed the time.

Excellent work, you can also say
1. ''adorable''
2. ''anticipated''
3. ''occasionally''
4. We normally use ''who'' when referring to people, use ''that'' for animals.
5. Rephrase for a more suitable word structure. This improves sentence flow.
6. Correct spelling.
7. "However" is used to introduce a statement that contrasts with or seems to contradict something that has been said previously. Use it since you're presenting a statement that contrasts with the fact that he ''seemed bored''
8. Change to this determiner for improved clarity here.

Thank you. Have a great Speaking lesson!
  • run into~(~にばったり出くわす)
  • a game(試合)
  • a department store(デパート)
  • a short trip(小旅行)
  • relaxing time(ゆっくり過ごす)
  • I went to the kindergarden with my son.(息子と幼稚園に行って来ました。)
  • I went shopping with my wife and bought a bag for work.(妻と買い物に行き,仕事用のカバンを購入しました。)
  • I spent my holiday preparing a handout for next week's conference.(休日は、来週の会議で使う資料の準備をしていました。)
  • I ran into a friend from when I used to be a student. (学生時代の友人にばったり出くわしました。)
  • My wife picked out a sweater as a gift for my daughter.(妻は娘へのプレゼントにセーターを選びました。)
  • I watched a soccer game on TV on my holiday.(休日はテレビでサッカー観戦しました。)
  • I went on a short trip to Kamakura.(鎌倉に小旅行してきました。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 自己紹介
  • 最近の出来事