
Talking about phrases you did not know how to say beforehand
What did you want to say?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What did you want to say?

Someone asked me, "If I needed to ask you a personal question, why don't you have a kid?" I wanted to ask him why he was such a dowdy man?" Excuses before a question are worth nothing if he thinks such a question is too personal. He should just shut up.


Someone asked me, "I need to ask you a personal question: why don't you have a kid?" I wanted to ask him why he was such a dowdy man. Excuses before a question are worth nothing if he thinks such a question is too personal. He should just shut up.

1. Rephrase to make the meaning clearer.
2. Use a colon to indicate what the man asked.
3. Use a full stop to indicate the completion of a sentence since you're not asking a question. Also, the quotation marks are unnecessary and should be removed.
It sounds like that was an uncomfortable situation. How did you handle the conversation after that question was asked?

I just said that I didn't want to answer that. I often can't say anything quickly even in Japanese in such a situation. My husband has a quick conditional response when he faces unreasonable situations. He says, "Piss off!" "Shut up," "Huh?!" "So what?" and "None of your business!" Yet, he is always kind to pretty women and liked by everyone.


I just said that I didn't want to answer that. I often can't say anything quickly, even in Japanese, in such a situation. My husband has a quick conditional response when he faces unreasonable situations. He says, "Piss off!" "Shut up," "Huh?!" "So what?" and "None of your business!" Yet, he is always kind to pretty women and liked by everyone.

1. & 2. Use a comma to separate words.
3. You can also say "outrageous."
It seems like you managed the situation gracefully by simply stating you didn't want to answer. Each person has their own approach to handling uncomfortable questions. Have you found any other strategies helpful in navigating such situations?

A book "Judo With Words: An Intelligent Way to Counter Verbal Attacks" by Barbara Berckhan gave me several hints. One of the exciting strategies is to respond in a proverb or saying. I need to stock proverbs regularly to increase my capability to use this strategy. That is useful not only for readiness to intercept verbal strikes but also for expanding my knowledge. Knowing proverbs isn't enough; I still need a drill.


The book "Judo With Words: An Intelligent Way to Counter Verbal Attacks" by Barbara Berckhan gave me several hints. One of the exciting strategies is to respond in a proverb or saying. I need to stock proverbs regularly to increase my capability to use this strategy. That is useful not only for readiness to intercept verbal strikes but also for expanding my knowledge. Knowing proverbs isn't enough; I still need a drill.

1. "the" is a definite article used when referring to something specific.
  • unforgettable(忘れられない)
  • natural(自然な)
  • expression (表現)
  • paraphrase(言い換え表現)
  • for instance (例えば)
  • He seemed to struggle to remember last night's events.(彼は昨夜の出来事を必死に思い出しているようだった。)
  • I've had that song stuck in my head for days.(この曲が何日も頭の中に残っています。)
  • The least you can do is make an effort.(あなたにできるのは、努力することだけです。)
  • The best way to learn synonyms is to use a thesaurus.(同義語を覚えるには、類語辞典を使うのが一番です。)
  • There are a number of sayings that can apply to this situation.(この状況に当てはまる格言はいくつもあります。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
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  • シーンリクエスト