
Asking about an applicant's intentions
I appreciate the time you took to interview me.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
I appreciate the time you took to interview me.

I also appreciate your coming here. Please tell me about you. First, how did you choose this course out of other courses in this school? This course is held early in the morning and deals with difficult issues. You might quit this if you are not enthusiastic. Are you interested in the topics of finance?


I also appreciate your coming here. Please tell me about yourself. First, how did you choose this course out of other courses in this school? This course is held early in the morning and deals with difficult issues. You might quit    if you are not enthusiastic about it. Are you interested in the topics of finance?

1. Your sentence was correct but rather casual for a job interview. You'd better use the reflective pronoun "yourself" to sound more formal.
2,3. Your sentence was correct, but you have been using "this" a lot. Use "it" to refer to the singular noun you have already mentioned (this course).
Yes, sir. I already have some knowledge about this course and I am convinced that I would like to take it up.

Oh, I am glad to hear that. I have a plan to offer some knowledge of finance, especially corporate finance. And then, What is your goal to take up this course? Our time is limited, so we should use it effectively. Someone says "time is money", right? It might be useless if your goal is far from this course.


Oh, I am glad to hear that. I have a plan to offer some knowledge of finance, especially corporate finance.
On another note, what is your goal in taking up this course? Our time is limited, so we should use it effectively. As the saying goes, "time is money", right? It might be useless if your goal is far from our expectations for this course.

1. We don't usually start the sentence with "and." You can either place a comma before "and" or use another expression as I did above.
2. You can't capitalize a non-proper noun after a comma.
3. We have no such expression as "goal to do something." You have these two options:
  A. What is your goal to achieve by taking up this course?
  B. What is your goal in taking up this course?
4. We never say "someone says" when we want to bring up a saying. "Someone" refers to only one person. You can either say "people say" or more naturally, "as the saying goes."
5. You cannot compare a goal with a course. Things that you compare should be of nearly the same type. That's why I made this change for more clarity.
I would like to become more knowledgeable in finance and eventually take up a course in finance. What are some of the benefits of this course?

There are mainly two benefits for the participants. At first, You will learn the central intuitions of finance. You do not need any prerequisite knowledge. Some people ask me if they need to learn maths before this course, but what you need is not math but perseverance. Second, You will understand economic news. This will lead you to widen your field of view and aid your career.


There are mainly two benefits for the participants.    First, you will learn the central intuitions of finance. You don't need any prerequisite knowledge. Some people ask me if they need to learn math before this course, but what you need is not math but perseverance. Second, You'll understand the nature of economic news. This will lead you to widen your field of view and aid your career.

1. When you talk about the steps of doing something, use "first, second, etc." "At first" is used to talk about the beginning of a situation, especially when it is different now: At first, I didn't like this dish, but now I'm in love with it.
2. You can't capitalize a non-proper noun after a comma.
3. Try to use contractions in everyday English as using contractions makes you sound warmer and friendlier.
4,5. Americans say "math," and the British say "maths." You need to make sure you follow one format throughout your text.
6. I added this word to allow for a better flow of speech. You are not talking about understanding the content of a single piece of news.
  • philanthropy(慈善、慈善活動、社会奉仕事業)
  • ethical(道徳的な)
  • impressive(印象的な)
  • explore(探究する、調査する)
  • mentor([名]メンター [動]助言する)
  • advance(進める)
  • candidate(候補者)
  • profile(略歴、プロフィール)
  • principle(原則)
  • frivolous(浅薄な、軽薄な)
  • I am attracted to your company's clearly expressed philosophy and mission.(私は御社の明確に表現された理念とミッションに惹かれています。)
  • I heard about how heavily you invest in your employees' welfare.(私は御社が従業員の福利厚生にどれだけ手厚く投資しているか聞いています。)
  • Your company's name is a household word throughout Japan and I know that you have a reputation to be proud of.(御社の名前は日本中で誰しもが知っており、誇りに思える世評を有していることを私は理解しています。)
  • Your state-of-the-art products have always impressed me and I want to be part of your next wave of innovation.(御社の最先端の製品にはいつも感心させられ、次のイノベーションの波に参加したいと思っています。)
  • You're leading the field in this particular area and I want to learn as much as I can from the best.(御社はこの特定の領域において業界をリードしており、私は最先端である貴社から出来る限り多くを学びたいと考えています。)
  • My father and grandfather worked here and I would be honored to continue the family tradition.(私の父と祖父がここで働いていたので、家族の伝統を引き継ぐことができて光栄です。)
  • According to most sources, your professional development program is second to none.(ほとんどの情報源によると、御社の専門能力開発プログラムはどこにも劣らないです。)
  • I want to be mentored by professionals with a proven track of success.(私は、成功を実証されたプロの方々に指導を受けたいと思っています。)
  • Working here will be a great opportunity for me to grow and develop professionally and personally.(ここで働くことは、私が専門的にも人としても成長するための絶好の機会になるでしょう。)
  • I'm impressed with your CEO's philanthropy and commitment to preserving the environment.(私は御社のCEOによる企業としての社会貢献や環境保全へのコミットメントに感銘を受けています。)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 英語面接
  • 製造業
  • 説明/釈明
  • 部門:人事
  • 面接する