
Let's discuss how to meet the delivery date
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How can you make the delivery date?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
How can you make the delivery date?

I think we couldn’t make it to delivery for all customers.
We should set up segmentation of customer from their sales and offer different service.
At least we have to make the delivery for important customer.


I think we can’t make it to delivery for all customers.
We should set up a segmentation of customers from their sales and offer a different service.
At least we have to make the delivery for important customers.

1. Since you are talking about something in the present, you should use the present tense form of this modal verb.
2. The singular noun "segmentation" requires an article before it.
3. Since you are speaking in general, you should use a plural noun here.
4. The singular noun "service" requires an article before it.
5. Since you are speaking in general, you should use a plural noun here.
Oh no, that's not so good to hear. All customers are expecting their package any time. So what's your suggestion? How will we go about your proposed action?

We have to rethink our delivery date.
To offer next day delivery service to all customer is pretty hard.
Actually some of customers don’t necessarily to receive next day.
I suggest sales team negotiate to these customer to postpone their delivery date for three days.


We have to rethink our delivery date.
To offer next day delivery service to all customers is pretty hard.
Actually, some customers don’t necessarily need to receive next day.
I think a sales team should negotiate with customers to postpone their delivery date for three days.

1. Since you are speaking in general about more than one customer, you should use a plural noun here.
2. We normally make a small pause after starting the sentence using "actually".
3. You can either say "some customers" or "some of the customers".
4. You should use a verb after the adverb "necessarily" and you can use the verb "need" as the main verb of the sentence.
5. This is a more natural way of saying this, the way a native speaker would.
That sounds good. We could also increase the price of next day deliveries so customers who don't necessarily need it won't go for it. What do you think about that?

That’s sounds good idea.
But we have to consider how much will increase.
It’s easy to increase price but also has risk of loose customer.


That sounds good, but we have to consider how much to increase the price.
It’s easy to increase the price but there is also a risk of losing customers.

1. You shouldn't use both "is" and "sounds" as the main verb here, so "is" is unnecessary.
2. This adjective can describe the pronoun "that", so the noun "idea" is unnecessary.
3. You shouldn't start a new sentence using a conjunction, instead, you should just continue the same sentence.
4. This is a more natural way of saying this, using the noun "price" as the object of the verb "increase".
5. Since you are referring to a specific price, there should be a definite article before this noun.
6. This is the phrasing you should use here, using the pronoun "there" and the verb "to be" to express the Existence of something.
7. The singular noun "risk" requires an article before it.
8. You should use the gerund form of the verb here so that it can act as a noun.
9. Since you are speaking in general, you should use a plural noun here.
You're right. What do you suggest we could do? Could we test it out first or maybe send a survey to our customers?

I think we should take survey first.
Also we have to recheck competitor’s price and service level.


I think we should take a survey first.
Also, we have to recheck the competitor’s price and service level.

1. The singular noun "survey" requires an article before it.
2. We normally make a small pause after starting the sentence using "also".
3. Since you are referring to a specific price, there should be a definite article before this noun.
Great. Well, I think we have a lot of things to do about this matter. We have to consider our customers as our top priority when making such decisions. Can we call our customers first about this change of delivery date?

Of course we have to think about customers at first.
But maybe some of customers don’t feel these service is necessary.
First we have to know proper services level, so we should take survey. And then reset our deliver date or price.


Of course we have to think about customers at first, but maybe some of the customers don’t feel this service is necessary.
First we have to know the proper services level, so we should take a survey, and then reset our delivery date or price.

1. You shouldn't start a new sentence using a conjunction, instead, you should just continue the same sentence.
2. Since you are referring to specific customers, there should be a definite article before this noun.
3. Since the noun "service" is singular, the pronoun that refers to it should be a singular pronoun.
4. Since you are referring to a specific level, there should be a definite article before this noun.
5. The singular noun "survey" requires an article before it.
6. You shouldn't start a new sentence using a conjunction, instead, you should just continue the same sentence.
7. This is the correct spelling of the word.
  • enhance(高める、増す)
  • customer(取引先)
  • outsourcing(外部委託)
  • manage(管理する)
  • postpone(延期する)
  • I would like to manage it somehow.(どうにか間に合わせたいものだ。)
  • Is it possible to postpone that delivery date?(納期を遅らせることはできますか。)
  • We are planning to outsource production.(生産の外注化を計画しています。)
  • There seems to be no way other than to enhance productivity.(生産性を向上させる以外に方法はないと思われます。)
  • I will ask the customer whether they are able to reduce the number of the products or not.(取引先に製品の数を減らせるかどうか伺ってみようと思います。)


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