
Interviewing for a position in a foreign company
Please tell us about yourself.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please tell us about yourself.

Ten years ago, I entered medical school with the aim of pursuing a career in medicine. However, learning specialized medical vocabulary in English reached the limits of my physical and mental strength, and I dropped out eight years ago. The following year, I entered the science department at another university, where I also took information-related courses. I graduated from that university three years ago and then worked at a Japanese-funded IT company. By that time, I already had 5 IT certifications. However, I wanted to grow even further, so I applied for this company.


Ten years ago, I entered medical school with the aim of pursuing a career in medicine. However, learning specialized medical vocabulary in English reached the limits of my physical and mental strength, and I dropped out eight years ago. The following year, I entered the science department at another university, where I also took information-related courses. I graduated from that university three years ago and then worked at a Japanese-funded IT company. By that time, I already had 5 IT certifications. However, I wanted to grow even further, so I applied for this company.

1. Here is an alternative expression you can use. ''Three years ago, I graduated from that university and subsequently worked at a Japanese-funded IT company''
Thank you for that information. Are you interested in exploring the challenges of medical terminology further, or are you more interested in understanding your strengths and skills in the science and IT fields?

As I look back on the past 10 years, I believe that the power of IT technology advancement has been enormous, whether in medicine, natural science, or social development. I am particularly interested in the metaverse, the full-scale realization of smart homes using AI, and the concept of a future society based on these. In the future, I believe that communication between humans and AI will become more commonplace, and AI will become more important in a variety of settings, including daily life, business, medical care, and space. I would like to support people's lives by being at the forefront-of-AI.


As I look back on the past 10 years, I believe that the power of IT technology advancement has been enormous, whether in medicine, natural science, or social development. I'm particularly interested in the metaverse, the full-scale realization of smart homes using AI, and the concept of a future society based on these. In the future, I believe that communication between humans and AI will become more commonplace, and AI will become more important in a variety of settings, including daily life, business, medical care, and space. I'd like to support people's lives by being at the forefront  of  AI.

1, 2. Try to use contractions to make your sentences more idiomatic.
3, 4. You don't need a hyphen here.
Considering your interest in the potential of AI and its applications in various domains like medicine, business, and daily life, have you found any specific projects or initiatives that particularly excite you in these areas of AI integration?

A company called Meta has recently started using its Metaverse equipment in TV commercials. The Metaverse is no longer the preserve of a few enthusiasts, but is becoming a tool used by many people. It has already been confirmed that entrance ceremonies using the Metaverse are being held at Kadokawa Dwango Academy's N High School and S High School. I believe that the progress of the Metaverse era will also have a major impact on people, both in business and academic life.


A company called Meta has recently started using its Metaverse equipment in TV commercials. The Metaverse is no longer the preserve of a few enthusiasts   but is becoming a tool used by many people. It has already been confirmed that entrance ceremonies using the Metaverse are being held at Kadokawa Dwango Academy's N High School and S High School. I believe that the progress of the Metaverse era will also have a major impact on people, both in business and academic life.

1. A comma may be unnecessary in this context.
That's fascinating! How do you envision the integration of the Metaverse in educational settings like high schools impacting the future of learning and social interactions among students?

The next generation of children will spend their lives in a digitally-rich environment. By introducing the Metaverse into education, especially before higher education begins, such as compulsory education and high school education, I think students will be able to get a feel for the concept of the Metaverse from an early stage. I believe that the introduction of the Metaverse into education and rituals at N High School and S High School means the beginning of a new era in education. I hope that the Generation Alpha will create a different society than before as the ultimate-digital-natives, smartphone-natives, and metaverse-natives.


The next generation of children will spend their lives in a digitally-rich environment. By introducing the Metaverse into education, especially before higher education begins, such as compulsory education and high school education, I think students will be able to get a feel for the concept of the Metaverse from an early stage. I believe that the introduction of the Metaverse into education and rituals at N High School and S High School means the beginning of a new era in education. I hope that    Generation Alpha will create a different society than before as the ultimate  digital  natives, smartphone  natives, and metaverse  natives.

1. The article may be unnecessary in this context.
2, 3, 4, 5. You don't need a hyphen here.
  • motivation(モチベーション、動機)
  • determination(決意)
  • skilled(能力のある)
  • respected(評判のいい、尊敬されている)
  • qualified(資格要件を満たした)
  • proven(証明された、実績のある)
  • indispensable(必須の、不可欠の、なくてはならない)
  • perseverance(粘り強さ、根気)
  • invaluable(掛け替えのない、貴重な)
  • licensed(認可された)
  • I have a proven track record in my profession.(私の専門では実績のある業績を残しています。)
  • I will be a valuable asset to your company.(私は御社にとって価値のある人材になることでしょう。)
  • My training and experience are a perfect match for this position.(私の鍛練と経験は完全にこのポジションに合っています。)
  • I left my former company in search of bigger challenges.(さらなる挑戦のため、前の職場を退職しました。)
  • What I lack in experience will be made up through hard work. (未経験なことについては一生懸命働いて追いつきます。)
  • My former employer once described me as being indispensable.(私の前雇用者は私のことをなくてはならない存在と言っていました。)
  • I am highly skilled and licensed in all areas associated with this position.(このポジションに関連した全ての分野で高い技術と資格があります。)
  • You will not regret giving me the opportunity to move this company forward.(この会社をさらによくするために、私に機会を与えてくだされば後悔はさせません。)
  • I stand by my reputation.(私は自分の評判を守ります。)
  • I would like to be a part of your company's vision.(御社のビジョンの一端を担っていきたいと思っています。)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 英語面接
  • 自己PR