
Talking about how you spend your weekends
週末は何をして過ごしますか? 週末の過ごし方は人それぞれです。あなたはアクティブに過ごす派ですか?それともゆっくりと過ごす派ですか?
What do you do on weekends?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What do you do on weekends?

I like flirting with my loved ones at home. I'm not interested in anything besides money and sex. I get in trouble whenever someone asks me what I will do on weekends or holidays. I say I will do nothing and stay home because I don't want to tell the truth. However, even if I try to dodge the subject, some people dig deeper one after another, asking me, "What will you do with him at home?"


I like flirting with my loved ones at home. I'm not interested in anything besides money and sex. I get in trouble whenever someone asks me what I will do on weekends or holidays. I say I will do nothing and stay home because I don't want to tell the truth. However, even if I try to dodge the subject, some people dig deeper one after another, asking me, "What will you do with him at home?"

1. Here's another way to say this: "Whenever someone inquires about my plans for weekends or holidays, I often find myself in a bind."
Having fun on weekends is the best. Would you like to be rich? What are your plans to achieve it, may I ask?

I'm already rich.


I'm already rich.

1. You can also say "quite wealthy" here.
How do you usually spend your money? Do you have any luxurious hobbies? Have you thought about investing it?

Considering your mentions, I understand that you can't stop putting me in an inferior position. I have never considered whether something is luxurious or not. Such behavior is peasants' ideas. Everything is normal for me, though I wonder whether others think it is fancy. Other people don't matter.


Considering your mentions, I understand that you can't stop putting me in an inferior position. I have never considered whether something is luxurious or not. Such behavior is typical of peasants' ideas. Everything is normal for me, though I wonder whether others think it is fancy. Other people don't matter.

1. Adding this will make the sentence clearer and more natural.
  • weekend(週末)
  • every weekend(毎週末)
  • cottage(別荘)
  • gather(集める)
  • celebrate(祝う)
  • I spent my weekend reading a new novel.(私は週末新しく出た小説を読みました。)
  • I went to a concert this weekend.(私は週末コンサートに行きました。)
  • I enjoyed cooking in my house.(家で料理して楽しんだんですよ。)
  • I want to go shopping next week.(来週は買い物に行きたいです。)
  • I took a walk with my dog around my house.(家の周りを犬と散歩しました。)
  • My hobby is~.(私の趣味は~なんです。)
  • All I do on weekends is sleep.(週末は寝てばかりです。)
  • I'll just stay home.(ただ家にいますね。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 自己紹介
  • 習慣