
Completing boarding procedures
Passport and flight ticket, please.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Passport and flight ticket, please.

Here you are


Here you are. 

1. A sentence always ends with a period (.).
Thank you. Do you have a return ticket? Any bags with you? Are you going to be carry them or have them checked?

This is my return tickets here.
There will be no more luggage.
Is the inspection a tax return? What kind of items are subject to declaration?


This is my return ticket.
I do not have any more luggage.
Is the inspection a tax return? What kind of items are subject to declaration?

1. This is a better response to the question.
2. This best expresses what you do not possess.
Items that may be subject to declaration in the United States are cash or monetary instruments in excess of $10,000, firearms, tobacco products, plants, alcohol, food, medicine, animals, and so on. Do you have any of those items?

I don't have any items to declare.


No, I don't have any items to declare.

1. You can add 'no' to show what your answer is.
Well noted. Here is your passport back. Give me one moment to print out your boarding pass. Are you perhaps carrying any liquids more than 100 ml in your bag, sir?

There is a plastic bottle of tea in my suitcase.
Is this unacceptable?


There is a plastic bottle of tea in my suitcase.
Is it unacceptable?

1. The pronoun 'it' refers to the bottle.
It is acceptable for now. You will have to finish that before security check. Your boarding pass is ready. Please proceed to Gate 16F. Turn left after immigration check. Thank you and enjoy your flight.

Should I proceed to the 16F gate?
I can turn left after immigration, right?
Thank you.


Should I proceed to the 16F gate?
I should turn left after immigration, right?
Thank you.

1. As this is what you ought to do 'should' is used.
  • preferential(優先の、優先権のある)
  • upgrade((動)グレードアップする、格上げにする(名)格上げ)
  • duplicate(複写、写し)
  • kiosk((タバコ、新聞、軽食などの)売店、キオスクは元々はトルコ語で「あずまや」の意味があります)
  • accordance(一致、許可)
  • enhanced((機能などが)改良された)
  • authentic((事実に基づき)信頼できる、本物の)
  • fraudulent(詐欺の、不正の)
  • confirmation(確認)
  • reroute(~を別のルートで送る(運ぶ))
  • There will be a charge for any excess baggage.(超過手荷物には料金がかかります。)
  • priority seat/boarding(優先座席/優先搭乗)
  • Where is the lost and found?(遺失物取扱所はどこですか。)
  • May I take a copy of your passport?(パスポートのコピーをとらせてもらってよいですか。)
  • sefty inspection(安全検査(チェック))
  • complete boarding procedures(搭乗手続きを済ませる)
  • Where is the baggage claim?(手荷物受取所はどこですか。)
  • in accordance with airline regulations(航空規定に従って)
  • enhanced security(警備の強化、セキュリティーの強化)
  • travel alert(渡航勧告)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 現地生活
  • 空港
  • 手続きする